a descriptive investigation is a scientific ivestigation that collects data which measure or decribe objects or events. it collects qualitative & quantitative data. it includes a question, but no hypothesis ; no variables are manipulated .
Discuss the importance of descriptive statistics
descriptive statistics-quantitavely describe the main features of a collection of data. Descriptive statistics are distinguished from inferential.Statistics(or inductive statistics),in that descriptive statistics aim to summarize a data set,rather than use the data to learn about the population that the data are thought to represent.
descriptive statistics
A descriptive statistic describes the characteristics of a known set of data; such as mean, median, mode, range, standard deviation and so forth.
Descriptive statistics is a summary of data. Inferential statistics try to reach conclusion that extend beyond the immediate data alone.
In an Experimental investigation you are trying to answer one question. While in a descriptive investigation you are trying to describe something and comparative you are comparing one thing to another.
Because there is only one possible outcome.
According to the level of investigation, there are three kinds of research. Those three kinds are: "exploratory research", "descriptive research" and "experimental research".
comparative data analysis is when you compare your data or results. there is 2 more types of scientific investigations, descriptive investigation and experimental investigation.
A descriptive investigation is a scientific investigation that collects qualitative and quantitative data which measures or describes objects or events. It includes a question, but no hypothesis; no variables are manipulated.
Categoric or descriptive observations.Categoric or descriptive observations.Categoric or descriptive observations.Categoric or descriptive observations.
more descriptive, most descriptive
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Lines that are very descriptive
more descriptive
Zesty is a descriptive word. Zany is a descriptive word.
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