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Subway is a multinational company and the tax amount will depend on the fiscal rules of where it is retailing.

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Q: What is the tax amount in percentage for subway sandwich?
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What is an income tax?

Income tax an amount of tax that is due on your TAXABLE INCOME amount for the tax year.

What kind of tax is a poll tax?

A Poll tax is a direct tax. A poll tax, head tax, or capitation is a tax of a uniform, fixed amount per individual (as opposed to a percentage of income).

What is the Name 3 types of taxes?

Proportional tax: Remains a fixed amount (percentage) no matter the amount being taxed. Progressive tax: Increases as the amount being taxed increases. Regressive tax: Decreases as the amount being taxed increases.

is the sales tax based on the actual sales price?

In a way, yes. It is a tax imposed in the sales you make and an amount of tax (a percentage of the amount you charge the customer for the item or service) on this has to be paid to the government.

Can you tax 0.99 cents and how much would it be?

YES. The amount of tax that would be added will depend on what the tax percentage is in the local area that you are purchasing the item in.

Percentage to pay in federal income tax?

You do not have a set percentage amount that each taxpayer would pay annually in taxes. The tax bracket percentage amounts change for each taxpayers amount of taxable income that they end up having to use to determine the correct amount of their federal income tax liability after the federal income tax return is completed correctly down to the line on the 1040 federal income tax return that says taxable income. Then you would know the amount of your federal income liability for the year and would be able to determine your percent that is being collected from you from your income for the tax year.

What is the tax percentage for 1099?

After you have completed your income tax return correctly you will know what your marginal tax rate is. The taxable amount from the 1099-R will be subject to income tax at that marginal tax rate.

How do you find a pre tax amount if you have both the tax percentage and post tax amount?

You divide the total by 1.0x (x being the tax precentage).For example: $1500 is the total after 7% tax. You are solving for the pretaxed amount.So you:1500/1.07 = $1401.8798.13=taxTotal: $1500

What is the difference between rates and taxes?

This would depend on how the words are used. The federal income tax marginal tax rates (brackets) would be the percentage amount that is applied to each bracket amount of income for that filing status. The bracket percentage amount go from -0- percent to the maximum 35% for the 2009 tax year income. Taxes Income tax liability would be the amount of taxes that is owed on your taxable income at your marginal tax rates after your income tax return is completed correctly for the year.

What is the percentage of TDS tax?

For certain situation the amount can be be up to 30% for the federal income tax purpose of withholding from the funds at the source of payment.

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how many percentatge of amount pay for euro million ticket

What percentage do you have to pay for taxes in a year?

You do not have a set percentage amount that each taxpayer would pay annually in taxes. The tax bracket percentage amounts change for each taxpayers amount of taxable income that they end up having to use to determine the correct amount of their federal income tax liability after the federal income tax return is completed correctly down to the line on the 1040 federal income tax return that says taxable income. Then you would know the amount of your federal income liability for the year and would be able to determine your percent that is being collected from you from your income for the tax year.