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Several things involving math revolve around a lawyers responsibilities such as:" how many years am I going to get?", "how much is this going to cost me?"and the ever popular calculation of alimony, child support and legal fees. Barely scratches the surface. Interesting question. Hope this helps.

Lawyers mainly use math to pad their bills.

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15y ago
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12y ago

Im not sure....Other than normal day life using banking and things like that I can not think of much, but If you where a lawyer math could help in a case involving time frames of how long it would take to rob a bank, then get away to the safe house, of how far some ones walkie-talkies could go and of it would be possible for some one to have killed some one else and still be some where by a certain time....all this along with many other things that would rely compleatly on all the other things going on and the case at hand would be the only type of things that i could think of for math in a Lawyers position.


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14y ago

Lawyers are not required to be mathematicians, but they do have cases that require pretty basic mathematics. Cases involving taxes, contracts, antitrust, calculation of fees and damages, present value calculations for structured settlements all involve math, but big firms generally use experts for any complicated calculations.

One is not tested on mathematics in law school and I know that there was no math on the New York State bar exam when I took it. However,there may be some math on the LSAT. I don't know whether there is anymore.

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11y ago

You must be able to problem solve. Also you need to calculate percentages, deal with intrest rates, and proportions. Follow me on instagram! danielle_2112

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10y ago

Lawyers use math in a great number of ways. They use math to calculate their fees as well as law suit fees.

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13y ago

No they have nothing to do with math they only have something to do with work and stuff like stamping papers and stuff lolz

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11y ago

Math can help lawyers in many ways. They have to add up costs of everything make sure they get payed the right amount and charge. Hope this helps... :)

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15y ago

to make them look smart

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