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No. An employer can not pay an employee half time unless the following requirements are met: 1. the employee's hours must fluctuate from week to week;

2. the employee must be salaried and be paid the same each week regardless of the number of hours that the employee works during the week;

3. the fixed amount must be sufficient to provide compensation at a regular rate not less than the legal minimum wage.

4. the employer and the employee must have a clear, mutual understanding that the employer will pay the employee the fixed weekly salary regardless of the hours worked; and

5. the employee must receive a fifty percent overtime premium in addition to the fixed weekly salary for all hours that the employee works in excess of forty during that week. If the employers often do not follow all of the requirements of this method and their employees are still owed time and one-half for all hours worked over 40 hours.

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Q: Employer breaks up overtime pay by giving extra hours of regular pay and preimum pay then same amount of extra hours with half my pay rate but then counts half time pay as hours worked?
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what is the maximum amount of overtime can an employer give you with in a week?

There is no maximum amount of overtime; your employer must pay you overtime wages (usually time and a half) for every hour over 40 hours in a week.

Can an employer change your schedule to avoid overtime. I work five days a week. This week I have training on Saturday. Instead of paying overtime my employer wants to give me Friday off. No weekend?

There is no requirement that they allow you to work overtime. You are being allowed to earn your normal weekly amount.

What is the maximum hours employer can make you work?

40 hours per week, anything over this amount is considered overtime.

You live in NJ work for major retailor no union if you work say 36 hrs and the next 8hr day would bring you overtime can they make you go home early not to have overtime?

Unless you have a contract guaranteeing you a certain amount of hours a week an employer can change your schedule at will.

How do you calculate overtime pay on excel?

To calculate overtime pay in Excel, follow these steps: Organize Your Data: Create a spreadsheet with columns for employee names, regular hours worked, regular hourly rate, overtime rate, overtime hours worked, and overtime pay. 2. Input Employee Data: Fill in the columns with appropriate data for each employee, or just yourself if you are calculating your own overtime pay. For example, if you work 40 regular hours a week at $20 per hour, enter these figures in the respective columns. 3. Calculate Regular Weekly Pay: Add a column titled "Regular Weekly Pay." Multiply the regular hours worked by the regular hourly rate to calculate the regular weekly pay for each employee. 4. Determine Overtime Rate: Decide the overtime compensation rate (typically time and a half or double time). For time and a half, use 1.5 times the regular rate. 5. Calculate Overtime Pay: Add a column for "Overtime Pay." Multiply the regular hourly rate by the overtime rate (e.g., 1.5) to get the overtime pay rate per hour. Then, multiply this rate by the number of overtime hours worked. 6. Calculate Total Weekly Overtime Pay: Add a column titled "Total Weekly Overtime Pay." Multiply the overtime hours worked by the overtime pay to get the total overtime pay for the week. 7. Calculate Total Weekly Pay: Add a final column for "Total Weekly Pay." Add the regular pay and overtime pay together to get the total weekly pay for each employee. 8. Ensure Accuracy: Double-check your formulas and data entry for any errors.

Is overtime optional?

It depends on the company's policy and the employment contract. In some cases, overtime may be mandatory based on business needs or industry regulations. Employees should refer to their company's policies to understand their obligations regarding overtime work.

What is the function of an overtime lawyer?

An overtime lawyer is one that specializes in unpaid overtime wages. If an individual believes their company is not paying them enough for overtime, or withholding it, these lawyers may be able to assist in suing the business for the outstanding amount.

Can employee be penalized for not working mandatory overtime?

Yes, generally an employer can require an employee to work overtime. Employers have the power to dictate the employee's work schedule and hours. Additionally, under most circumstances the employer may discipline an employee, up to and including termination, if the employee refuses to work scheduled overtime.This depends on what state you live in. Each state regulates their own labor law under the large umbrella of federal labor laws. Federally, an employer can force an employee to work whatever hours they are needed as long as the employee is over 18.

How does overtime in hockey work?

Overtime is used when there is a tied game at the end of the third period. The amount of time in that overtime is determined by the referee. If a team scores during that overtime, the game is over and they have won. If the game remains a tie, overtime periods are added unless otherwise stated by the referee that there will be a shootout.

How does hockey overtime work?

Overtime is used when there is a tied game at the end of the third period. The amount of time in that overtime is determined by the referee. If a team scores during that overtime, the game is over and they have won. If the game remains a tie, overtime periods are added unless otherwise stated by the referee that there will be a shootout.

What is the legal amount of overtime hours a person can work within a 2 week pay period in Florida?

I believe Federal law requires any person to have at least 8 hours off the clock between shifts, so the max hours anyone could work would be 16 in any one 24 hour period. When overtime starts depends upon the employer - some require 40 hours at work (not on paid leave) before overtime pay starts, for others overtime begins after 8 hours at work.

What happen if the scored is tied after the end of the game of basketball?

The teams go into overtime. Some leagues have overtime for a certain amount of time, and some leagues play till a team makes their first basket in overtime.