No such thing. There are 1,024 Megabytes in a Gigabyte Note that you must use byte, there are 4 bits in a byte, 1024 bytes in a kilobyte, 1024 KB in 1 MB, 1024 MB in 1 GB, 1024 GB in one TB, etc...
I believe it is 1 metre long!
it can be 1 inch long to 1 million miles long
Approximately how long does it take to spend $1 million How long does it take to spend $1 billion?
IT is usually 1/2 to 1 inch long
1 foot long viper 1
The basic definition of a Cubic Mile or 13mile is 1 mile wide by 1 mile long by 1 mile tall. So 1 mile long
1 billion short scale = 109 or 1 billion long scale 1012 1 billion x 1 billion = short scale 1018 1 billion x 1 billion = long scale 1024 109 = 1 billion short scale and 1 milliard long scale. 1012 = 1 trillion short scale and 1billion long scale. 1015 = 1 quadrillion short scale and 1 billiard long scale. 1018 = 1 quintillion short scale and 1 trillion long scale. 1024 = 1 quadrillion short scale and 1 septillion long scale.
About 1 foot long
1 inch is how long they are
1 foot long