Less likely Less likely
It means practical, usually in accomplishing something by means that are more likely to succeed, rather than attempting those less likely to succeed.
More than likely mean it might happen
In 1933 the cost was less than $20.00, manufacturing the coin had to be less than face value. But if you mean a replica, likely less than a dollar.
No, since mixed-breed dogs have wider genetic pools, they are less likely to suffer from genetic defects than purebred puppies. However, this doesn't mean that they are less likely to fall ill.
some thing that can hardly be :)
There is no supporting evidence that females are any less likely or more likely to become famous than males.
less than or equal to
Atheists have a lower divorce rate than theists. Atheists are less likely to divorce.
Probable means it is more likely to occur than not occur. It could be stated more than a 50 - 50 chance of occurring Some refer to likely as about a 75% chance of occurring Probable would be less of a chance than likely.
In general, a mean can be greater or less than the standard deviation.