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Q: What is the difference between Sequential and simultaneous summation of force?
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What are difference between simultaneous and sequential injection with regards to a multi-point petrol injection system?

simultaneous injection probably injects fuel towards all inlet ports at the same time (continuously?) regardless if the valve is open/shut. sequential probably injects fuel into an inlet port only when that port is open or is about to open.Sequence would therefore be based on firing order.

What is the difference between hyperthreading and simultaneous multithreading?

Actually, hyperthreading is Intel's name for its implementation of simultaneous multithreading.

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There is one main difference between combinational ALU and sequential ALU. Combinational ALU depends only on present circuits, and sequential ALU depends on both the present and the past.

What is the difference between summation and integration?

Integration is a special case of summation. Summation is the finite sum of multiple, fixed values. Integration is the limit of a summation as the number of elements approches infinity while a part of their respective value approaches zero.

What does summation of infinite series?

The summation of a geometric series to infinity is equal to a/1-rwhere a is equal to the first term and r is equal to the common difference between the terms.

What is the difference between simultaneous and parallel events?

Parallel events are similar events. Simultaneous events are events that occur at the same time. Both simultaneous and parallel events occur at different places.

What is difference between derivative and summation?

derivative means dividing any thing into various small parts, while summation or integral means adding up various small parts to form a single entity.

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file organization is of 3 types sequential,direct and indexed sequential where how data is accessed in eash file is decided where as file maintainence is

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The difference between recount and retell is the method in which they were heard. Retelling involves describing something that was said. Recounting involves describing something in sequential order that was read.

What is the difference between 4.6l v8 efi and sfi?

sfi - sequential fuel injection efi - electronic fuel injection

Difference between sequential organization and serial organization?

the difference is that sequential organization: this are records are stored and accessed in a particular order sorted using a key field serial organisation: records in a file are stored one after another. You need to go first file in order to reach the required file.

Defference between direct sequential and index sequential?

reduce the chance of false identification.----apex