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Integration is a special case of summation. Summation is the finite sum of multiple, fixed values. Integration is the limit of a summation as the number of elements approches infinity while a part of their respective value approaches zero.

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Q: What is the difference between summation and integration?
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What are summation rules?

The summation rules are hard to type here since the summation format is not supported.I have placed a link to a UC Davis site that gives them all quite clearly.

How do you replace the summation sign with integration sign?

In order to replace the summation sign with the sign for an integral, one must focus on the object one wants to integrate, and it's environment. To simplify, one can say the the object one wants to integrate has a domain D1 in 2 or 3 space. The remainder, the environment, is all that we do not wish to integrate, which we can label D2. So thusly we create a rule saying that we will sum only over D1. This eliminates the environment, and will isolate the object. From this point, we then break down the object into sub-rectangles (most commonly in mathematics) and assign each subrectangle it's own set of coordinates. Thusly we can take coordinates from the lower right, upper right, lower left, and upper left corners of each subrectangle. Choose a system of orientation, if we choose lower-left, we will underestimate the summation, and if we choose upper right, we will over-estimate the summation. From this point we can say that the summation of the object is equal to the summation of all it's parts. A transative derrivation (property). So, we can say that the summation of D1 is therefore equal to the summation of each subrectangle and it's coordinates: R1[x, y] +R2[x, y] + ... etc.. An integral is the sum of parts over a defined area. So we can conclude that the summation of D1 is therefore equal to the integral of the subrectangles R within the domains of x and y according to the orientation of lower right corner or otherwise established. That's it in a nutshell, I suppose... lukeriverplate

What do you call the answer to addition problem?

the answer to it is sum or summation

What is the difference between 392 and 247?

What is the difference between 392 and 247?

What is the difference between two numbers is 10 If the numbers are doubled what is What is the difference between them?

the difference is also doubled

Related questions

Are summation and integration are same?

Integration uses a summation in the definition of the definite integral, so they are not the same, but they are related. They both yield a type of sum, or area (in the case of integration).

What is difference bw integral and sigma?

summation is the discreet set of whole numbers whereas integration is the sum of all numbers.

What is difference between integration and summation?

Summation, represented by sigma (Σ) is the discreet version of integration. Integration is the continuous version of summation. It can be somewhat hard to explain the difference between discreet and continuous phenomena. The best way to think about integration is as the area under a line, curve, or function. Think of a triangle formed by lines y=0, x=1,and y=x. written mathematically, this is the integral x=0 to 1 of (x). You can also calculate the area of a half unit circle. integral x=-1 to 1 of (sqrt(1-x^2)). The best way to think about summation is the adding of numbers. sum x=0 to 1 of (x) yields the equation (0+1). sum x=-1 to 1 of (sqrt(1-x^2)) yields the equation (0+1+0).

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What is the difference between Integration and differentiation?

integration is reverse of differentiation and vice versa

What does summation of infinite series?

The summation of a geometric series to infinity is equal to a/1-rwhere a is equal to the first term and r is equal to the common difference between the terms.

What is difference between vertical integration and diversification?

Diversification is when someone's tight clit is sniffed and integration is when the clit is jizzed on

What is the difference between virtual integration and vertical integration?

Virtual Integration is to have control on the departments or businesses in the chain without owning them.where, Vertical Integration is like owning the departments or businesses in the chain.

What is difference between anti integration and derivative?

In all but very exceptional cases there is no difference.

What is difference between derivative and summation?

derivative means dividing any thing into various small parts, while summation or integral means adding up various small parts to form a single entity.

What is the difference between integrity and integration?

Interrogation is where you force someone to tell you and integrate is totally the opposite

What is the difference between integration and derivation?

Integration results in an equation which gives the area under the original equation between the bounds. Derivation results in an equation which gives the slope of the original line at any point.