Pure energy. Fire is the resultant manifestation of a chemical reaction between a fuel [there are many different kinds] and Oxygen [usually in the air, but also if in pure form]. As a result of the chemical reaction, a great deal of energy is released in the form of heat and light. The visible portion of the "flames" is the result of glowing particles [carbon] which have not yet been exposed to, and mixed with , enough Oxygen to be at the right mixture [percentage of fuel and oxygen capable of combustion] to combust [burn]. If the perfect [stoichometric] mixture, for example, of pure Carbon and pure Oxygen are burned, the final products of combustion are light, heat, and Carbon Dioxide. Or if the stoichometric mixture is pure natural gas [Methane] and pure Oxygen, then the the products of combustion would be light, heat, Carbon Dioxide, and water vapor. All of our air polluton [from burning of fuels] results from the use of fuels which are contaminated with other elements and compounds.
Fire and water
Fire and water
class B
the elements. look up captain planet.
A fire triangle consist of Fuel (Bushes), Heat (Fire) and Oxygen and the three combine creates a chemical chain reaction.In this case the fuel is removed so if there is nothing to burn you have no fire.
The remnants of fire are typically referred to as ashes or embers. Ashes consist of the residue from burned materials, while embers are the hot, glowing remains of a fire that can reignite if not properly extinguished.
It is the vehicle which can keep track of accountability, vehicle placement, types of attacks on the fire, etc. on or near the scene of a fire. They are not used everywhere, and are more frequent in bigger cities. They usually consist of a team of 1-3 people, but can have more.
It is the vehicle which can keep track of accountability, vehicle placement, types of attacks on the fire, etc. on or near the scene of a fire. They are not used everywhere, and are more frequent in bigger cities. They usually consist of a team of 1-3 people, but can have more.
Six to Seven riflemen consist of a normal patrol; three volleys for three cheers.
what does the ody consist of? what does the body consist of?
The amenities included in the room with a fireplace typically consist of a cozy seating area, a warm and inviting ambiance, and the comfort of a crackling fire.
It consist of asthenosphere