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from Greek -gōnos '-angled.'

A pentagon has five angles.

Penta = five

gon = angle

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βˆ™ 8y ago
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βˆ™ 10mo ago

The suffix -gon means "angle" in geometrical terms. For example, a pentagon has five angles, while a hexagon has six angles.

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What does the suffix-gon MEAN?

gon simply means bad bad diareah

What does the suffix gon mean not refuring to a shape?

Suffix -gon means a figure having a specified kind or number of angles, like isogon. From the Greek -gnon meaning angle.That is the only definition I know of.

Is a dodecahedron a 2D or 3D shape?

The suffix "hedron" implies 3D. The 2D suffix is "gon"

Is a octahedron a 2D or 3D shape?

The suffix "hedron" implies 3D. The 2D suffix is "gon"

What polygon has more then fifteen sides?

A 16-gon. You only name polygons up to a dodecagon (12 sides), excluding the 11-gon. After that, they are named by their number of sides with the suffix "-gon". Ex: 16 sides: 16-gon.

What are some words that contain the root gon?

Some words that contain the root "gon" include polygon, gonorrhea, goniometer, and gonadectomy.

What do you call a 45 sided shape?

A 45-sided shape is called a pentatetracontagon. But, actually, if you want to keep it simple, you can just append the suffix -gon to the end of a number (higher than 10 only), like 12-gon, or 56-gon, or 89-gon or 1,000,000,000-gon, et cetera.

How many sides in hex decagon?

16 sides a hexadecagon means hexa (6) and deca (10) and gon (shape (?)) The suffix "-gon" means an angle or vertex.

What is the name of 26 sided polygon?

It is called 'Icosi-kai-hexa-gon'. (Icosi means 20, Kai means and, hexa means six and gon is the final suffix)

What do you call an 80 sided shape?

Octacontogon is its real name. But, really, for any shape with a side number higher than ten, you can just append the suffix -gon to the number, i.e. 12-gon, 56-gon, et cetera.

What do you call a 600 sided shape?

The general convention for polygons with large numbers of sides is to simply put the number of side followed by the suffix -gon. In this case, it would be a 600-gon.

What does suffix in mean?

There is no suffix in mean.