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Q: In 100 spins how many times would you expect the spinner to land on blue?
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The answer depends on the number of sides on the spinner and how they are numbered.

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The answer will depend on how man divisions the spinner has and how many of them are labelled A. Since you have chosen not to share this information the question cannot be answered.

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The answer will depend on how man divisions the spinner has and how many of them are labelled c. Since you have chosen not to share this information the question cannot be answered.

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The answer depends on the shape of the spinner and the number of colours on it. And since you have not bothered to share that crucial bit of information, I cannot provide a more useful answer.

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Well it would really depend on how many sections there are in the spinner and how many 3's and 5's there are.

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Answer: 75/150 - 0.5 - 50%

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