The largest mammal living right now are the blue whales and the largest land mammal are elephants.
Blue Whale Balaenoptera musculus.
Well, the question states, "on the earth" as far as land mammals, it would be the elephant.
The largest mammal living in the Amazon River is the Tapir.
The blue whale is the largest know living mammal.
A mammoth
The elephant
As of right now, the elephant.
By almost any absolute measurement, the blue whale is the biggest mammal living today. It can grow up to 100 feet and weigh more than 100 tons. On land its the African elephant.
By almost any absolute measurement, the blue whale is the biggest mammal living today. It can grow up to 100 feet and weigh more than 100 tons. On land its the African elephant.
Probably the giant panda.
The blue whale, alive today.
The largest mammal living in Britain is the red deer (Cervus elaphus). They can weigh up to 200 kg and are commonly found in forests and moorlands across the country.
The oldest sea mammal that is in existence today is the bowhead whale They are also the largest mammal on the planet and live longer than any other animal alive today.
Yes Orang-utans are apes, and are the largesttree-living mammals.