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No. It is a negative rational number.

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Is the square root of 32 an irrational or a rational number?

The square root of a positive integer can ONLY be:* Either an integer, * Or an irrational number. (The proof of this is basically the same as the proof, in high school algebra books, that the square root of 2 is irrational.) Since in this case 32 is not the square of an integer, it therefore follows that its square root is an irrational number.

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32 is rational. Rational numbers are numbers that can be written as a fraction. Irrational numbers cannot be expressed as a fraction.

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It is irrational.

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If you mean is it a perfect square, then no; it is an irrational number (square root of 32 is 5.6568544249). But if you mean can it be squared, then yes; 32 squared is 1024

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An irrational number.

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sqrt(32) = 4sqrt(2) The square root of '2' is irrational, so the square root of '32' is irrational.