If you work an 8 hour day for a week, you would earn $504 - taxes.
If you are making 12 dollars per hour, and working 30 hours a week, you would make $360 a week. Do you mean that you make 12 dollars an hour after taxes have been applied?
$22,880 Gross (Before taxes)
45 an hour x 40 hrs/week = 1800. 1800 x 52 wks/yr = $93,600 a year. Not including taxes, of course.
It depends on the tax rates.
If you work an 8 hour day for a week, you would earn $504 - taxes.
If you are making 12 dollars per hour, and working 30 hours a week, you would make $360 a week. Do you mean that you make 12 dollars an hour after taxes have been applied?
Assuming a forty hour work week, you will make, minus taxes, $1120.
$22,880 Gross (Before taxes)
That would be $39,000 before taxes, benefits, 401k, etc.
if i work 40 hours a week and get paid 12 dollars an hour and i work full time how much will i be making a year
45 an hour x 40 hrs/week = 1800. 1800 x 52 wks/yr = $93,600 a year. Not including taxes, of course.
8 dollars per hour
The amount of money a person makes when making $17.00 an hour, will depend on how many hours a person works. The amount of taxes that are taken out will depend on the state.