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For two vectors A and B, the scalar product is A.B= -ABcos(AB), the minus sign indicates the vectors are in the same direction when angle (AB)=0; the vector product is ABsin(AB).

Vectors have the rule: i^2= j^2=k^2 = ijk= -1.

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Q: 1 For the two vectors find the scalar product AB and the vector product?
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Find the scalar multiple of a vector?

To find the scalar multiple of a vector, you multiply each component of the vector by the scalar. For example, if you have a vector v = (a, b, c) and you want to find 2v, you would multiply each component by 2 to get (2a, 2b, 2c).

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I think you meant to ask for finding a perpendicular vector, rather than parallel. If that is the case, the cross product of two non-parallel vectors will produce a vector which is perpendicular to both of them, unless they are parallel, which the cross product = 0. (a zero vector)

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You need to know that the cross product of two vectors is a vector perpendicular to both vectors. It is defined only in 3 space. The formula to find the cross product of vector a (vector a=[a1,a2,a3]) and vector b (vector b=[b1,b2,b3]) is: vector a x vector b = [a2b3-a3b2,a3b1-a1b3,a1b2-a2b1]

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What is cross in science?

One type of cross is the cross or vector product of a pair of 3D vectors. If there are two unit vectors that are not parallel, their vector product is a vector that is normal to the plane containing the two vectors, so it's a good way to find that plane. In biological science, cross signifies the mating of two genotypes to produce its progeny. It may be among homozygous or heterozygous parents.

Why do nonperpendicular vectors need to be resolved into components before you can add the vectors together?

When vectors are not perpendicular, their components in a given direction are not simply the scalar values of the original vectors. Resolving nonperpendicular vectors into components along mutually perpendicular axes (commonly x and y axes) allows you to add the components of each individual vector separately to obtain the resulting vector accurately using vector addition rules. This process is necessary to ensure that the direction and magnitude of the resulting vector are correctly calculated.

What are the different methods in adding vectors?

Vectors can be added using the component method, where you add the corresponding components of the vectors to get the resultant vector. You can also add vectors using the graphical method, where you draw the vectors as arrows and then add them tip-to-tail to find the resultant vector. Additionally, vectors can be added using the trigonometric method, where you use trigonometry to find the magnitude and direction of the resultant vector.

How do you find the dot product ab of two vectors if you know their lengths and the angle between them?

<ab> = |a|*|b|*cos(x) where |a| is the length of the vector a, |b| is the length of the vector b, and x is the angle between them.

What is the magnitude of an object if it is vector a is 5m and vector b is 3.5 m?

any length between 1.5 and 8.5 meters depending on the angle between the vectors. find the dot product of the two vectors to find the magnitude. e.g. two vectors a x b . y c z gives a.x+b.y+c.z= your final answer. The dots mean times by (btw)

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Given one vector a, any vector that satisfies a.b=0 is orthogonal to it. That is a set of vectors defining a plane orthogonal to the original vector.The set of vectors defines a plane to which the original vector a is the 'normal'.

Why vector division is not possible?

In the case of the dot product, you would need to find a vector which, multiplied by another vector, gives a certain real number. This vector is not uniquely defined; several different vectors could be used to give the same result, even if the other vector is specified. For the other two common multiplications defined for vector, the inverse of multiplication, i.e. the division, can be clearly defined.

How are scalar quantities different from vector quantities?

Scalar quantities have only magnitude, while vector quantities have both magnitude and direction. Scalar quantities can be represented by a single number, while vector quantities require both a magnitude and a direction to be fully described. Examples of scalar quantities include time, temperature, and energy, while examples of vector quantities include displacement, velocity, and force.