A whole number is one without a decimal or fraction, and a natural number is any positive integer, so this is both a whole number and an integer.
No, the set of natural numbers is a proper subset of the set of whole numbers.
Whole numbers and natural numbers are the exact same, except that whole numbers include zero
A fraction is part of a whole number.
It is the part of the number before the decimal point or fraction For example, in the number 5.38, the whole number part is 5 For example, in the number 6 and 1/2 the whole number part is 6
Add the whole number to the whole part of the mixed number. For example, 3 + 2 and 1/2 = 5 and 1/2. The fractional part is separate from the whole part.
No, the set of natural numbers is a proper subset of the set of whole numbers.
Whole numbers and natural numbers are the exact same, except that whole numbers include zero
a number that has a whole number
A fraction is part of a whole number.
It is the part of the number before the decimal point or fraction For example, in the number 5.38, the whole number part is 5 For example, in the number 6 and 1/2 the whole number part is 6
a number that names a part of a whole or part of a group
Ratios are either a whole number to whole number or a part to a whole number e.g. 2:1, 0.72:4.
Add the whole number to the whole part of the mixed number. For example, 3 + 2 and 1/2 = 5 and 1/2. The fractional part is separate from the whole part.
No. A whole number does not have a decimal part.
The whole number part of it is 128.
The whole number part is 1.
The whole number part is 3.