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Q: 1year 6weeks equals how many weeks?
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48 days = 6weeks and 6days

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How many months are in 6weeks?

There are 4 weeks in a month. So 6 weeks is 1.5 months.

How many years is 70 weeks?

1year and 4 months

How many weeks is it safe to keep butter in the refrigerator?

at least 6weeks but it depends

How would you find how many weeks there are in a certain number of years?

Depends on how accurate you want it to be. 365 days=1year,,,52 weeks=1year,,, But their are other factors,Such as Leep years!

How many hours are there in 6weeks?


90 days equals how many weeks?

It equals 12 weeks and 6 days.

How many days are in 6weeks?

42 days.

49 days equals how many weeks?

7 weeks

how many weeks equals 3000 hours?

17.8571 weeks