706/10 and 353/5
To express 35.3 as a fraction, we need to consider the decimal places. The number 35 has no decimal places, so it can be written as 35/1. The decimal 0.3 can be written as 3/10. Combining these two fractions, we get 35.3 as 353/10.
a proper fraction whose denominator is a power of 10
10 to the 4 power times 10 to the 3 power is 10,000,000 (10 million).
3 times 10 to the first power = 30
706/10 and 353/5
To express 35.3 as a fraction, we need to consider the decimal places. The number 35 has no decimal places, so it can be written as 35/1. The decimal 0.3 can be written as 3/10. Combining these two fractions, we get 35.3 as 353/10.
A decimal fraction.
A fraction "of" a number is the same as the fraction "times" a number. In other words, you must multiply 1/10 times 80.A fraction "of" a number is the same as the fraction "times" a number. In other words, you must multiply 1/10 times 80.A fraction "of" a number is the same as the fraction "times" a number. In other words, you must multiply 1/10 times 80.A fraction "of" a number is the same as the fraction "times" a number. In other words, you must multiply 1/10 times 80.
a power of 10
a proper fraction whose denominator is a power of 10
2 over 5 6 over 15 8 over 20 4 times 10 to the hundtreth power over 10 times 10 to the hundreth power All of those are equivalent fractions of 0.4.
There are 10 millimetres in one centimetre. Therefore, 353 millimetres is equal to 353/10 = 35.3 centimetres.
10 to the 4 power times 10 to the 3 power is 10,000,000 (10 million).
10-1 = .1 In fraction form, .1 = 1/10
3 times 10 to the 8th power divided by 7 times 10 to the negative 7th power equates to: 4.28571428571