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3 Digits in a phone number area code

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d-0(2) d-0(2) d-1 d-3 d-2 d-1 a-0(2) a-0(2) a-0 a-1 d-2 d-3 d-1(2) d-1(2) d-1 d-3 d-2 d-1 d-0 a-3 a-2 a-1 a-0 d-3 d-2 d-1 d-0(2) d-0(2) d-1 d-3 d-2 d-1 a-0(2) a-0(2) a-0 a-1 d-2 d-3 d-1(2) d-1(2) d-1 d-3 d-2 d-0 a-0 d-1 d-2 d-0 a-3(2) (2)=2 beats [half note] the rest are 1 beat [quarter note] d= the string on the violin (g,d,a,e) -0=how many fingers you put on that string hope this helps!!!!!! >_< hehe...... =P

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The answer would depend on a 3-dimensional WHAT! It is not a 3-d circle, for example.The answer would depend on a 3-dimensional WHAT! It is not a 3-d circle, for example.The answer would depend on a 3-dimensional WHAT! It is not a 3-d circle, for example.The answer would depend on a 3-dimensional WHAT! It is not a 3-d circle, for example.

How do you play Star Wars with a viola?

First, play OPEN on the D string. Then, play a D on the A string. Play an OPEN on the A string, then go down. G on the D string, F on the D string, and E on the D string. Then, a D on the A string. Then it gets tricky. D on the A, G on the D, F on the D, and then back up to G on the D. Then, just an E on the D. Fingerings look like this: 0 on D, 3 on A, 0 on A, 3 on D, 2 on D, 1 on D, 3 on A, 0 on A, 3 on D, 2 on D, 3 on D, 1 on D.

10 times the difference of d and 3?

is 10*abs(d-3) or 10*|d-3| where abs is the absolute difference between d and 3 ie it is always the positive value.

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