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Q: 3 If you flip four fair coins what are the chances exactly three land on heads?
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You flip 3 coins what is the probability that you get exactly 3 heads?

There is a 1/8 chance to land three heads.

What is the number of possible ways to toss three coins and have exactly 2 heads showing?


If you toss three coins what is the probability that two coins will be heads up?

Possibilities: HHH, HHT, HTH, THH, HTT, THT, TTH, TTT. There are 3 chances out of 8 that there will be two heads and one more that there will be AT LEAST two heads.

Three fair coins are tossed determine the probability of the following event exactly two coins land on heads?

The sample space is 23 or 8; which can be listed out as: HHH, HHT, HTH, HTT, THH, THT, TTH, TTT. There are 2 of the 8 that have exactly 2 heads; so the probability of exactly two coins landing on heads is 2/8 or 1/4.

If you toss three coins 10000 times how many times would you expect that exactly 2 heads appear?

The expected number is 3750.

What is sentence for Exactly?

I have exactly three coins in my pocket. If you can guess exactly how many coins I have, you can have them both.

What is the probabality of flipping three heads when flipping three coins one after another?

The probability of flipping three heads when flipping three coins is 1 in 8, or 0.125. It does not matter if the coins are flipped sequentially or simultaneously, because they are independent events.

What are the odds against getting exactly two heads in three successive flips of a coin?

Three in eight are the odds of getting exactly two heads in three coin flips. There are eight ways the three flips can end up, and you can get two heads and a tail, a head and a tail and a head, or a tail and two heads to get exactly two heads.

If four coins are tossed what is the probability of getting three heads and one tail?

With 4 coins you have 24 (16) possibilities. If we wanted a specific coin to land 'tails' while the others landed 'heads' we would have one possibilty out of 16. Since we don't care which of the coins lands 'tails,' we have four chances in 16 or a 25 percent chance.

If you toss three coins 360 times how many times can you expect the coins to have three heads showing?

around 45

What is the probability if you flip 3 coins and get three heads?


What is the probability of obtaining exactly three heads in four flips of a coin given that at least one is a head?

50-50. each toss is independent of any previous toss. if all tosses are to be heads/tails then each toss you multiply by the number of chances. i,e. 2, starting with 1. three heads in a row is 1x2x2