Expressed as a decimal, 43/8 is equal to 5.375.
You add 8 - 43/8= 35/8
8 3/5
you first need to know your denominator. lets use 43/8 as our example of an improper fraction. 8 is the denominator. now look at the numerator. the numerator is 43. how many times does 8 go into 43. well it goes into 43 5 times. therefore your first number ofyour mixed number is 5 5 times 8 is 40. your number is 43. this means you have 3 left over. you put this number as your new numerator over top your old denominator. and you havethis... 5 3/8 5 3/8 is equal to 43/8
When 5 goes into 43, it goes 8 times with a remainder of 3. This can be calculated by dividing 43 by 5, which equals 8 with a remainder of 3. The remainder represents the amount left over after dividing as evenly as possible.
43 over 8 as a mixed number is: 53/8
8/43 cannot be simplified.
Expressed as a decimal, 43/8 is equal to 5.375.
Improper fraction: 43/8 Mixed numbers: 6 1/8
43/8 - 23/8 = 2/1 or 2
You add 8 - 43/8= 35/8
You can say 8 and 3/5 or You can write it as a decimal.... 43/5 = 8.6
You find their highest common factor, which is 43. Then you divide both parts by 43, giving 5 over 8.
8 3/5
7/8 + 1/5 = 43/40 or 13/40
43 over 8 (improper fraction)
8 and 3/5