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40 degrees Fahrenheit = 4.4 degrees Celsius.

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Q: 40 degrees F equals how much in C?
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40 degrees C equals what in F?

40 degrees Celsius = 104 degrees Fahrenheit [°F] = [°C] × 9⁄5 + 32

Prove that minus 40 degree C is equal to minus 40 degree F?

0 C = 32 F 100 C = 212 F 180 degrees F equals the measurement of 100 degrees C 9 degrees F therefore equals 5 degrees C -40 F is 72 degrees F below freezing -40 C is 40 degrees C below freezing Convert F to C 5 times -72 is -360 divided by 9 is -40 C convert C to F 9 times -40 is -360 divided by 5 is -40 F

In a right triangle with the hypotenuse c equals 10 and the angle A equals 50 degrees the angle B equals?

In a right triangle with the hypotenuse c equals 10 and the angle A equals 50 degrees the angle B equals: 40 degrees.

Forty degrees F equals how many degrees C?

40 degrees Fahrenheit = 4.4444444 degrees Celsius

What is the only temperature that degrees F equals degrees C?

-40 degrees Fahrenheit is the only temperature at which Fahrenheit and Celsius scales are equal.

-70 degrees Fahrenheit equals how much Celsius?

-56.67 degrees C

How much is plus 40 C in F?

40 degrees Celsius is equal to 104 degrees Fahrenheit.

- 29 c equals how much Fahrenheit?

(-29) degrees Celsius = -20.2 degrees Fahrenheit[°F] = [°C] × 1.8 + 32

How much is -40F in degrees celsius?

Was that on purpose? Because it just so happens that -40 is where the two meet! -40 degrees Celsius = -40 degrees Fahrenheit. Was that on purpose? Because it just so happens that -40 is where the two meet! -40 degrees Celsius = -40 degrees Fahrenheit.

In the triangle the angle at a is 40 degrees less than the angle at b and 20 degrees less than the angle at c what is the size of each angle?

if the angle at a equals X then the angle at b equals X+40 and the angle at c equals X+20 the sum of the angels in a triangle is 360 degrees so: X + X+40 + X+20 = 360 3X + 60 = 360 3X = 300 X = 100.

On a triangle if A equals 72 degrees and b equals 47 degrees what c equals?

61 degrees (180 degrees in a triangle)

What is -40 degrees Fahrenheit in degrees Fahrenheit?

-40 degrees Fahrenheit is the same as -40 degrees Fahrenheit. It is the point where the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales intersect, making them equivalent at that temperature.