Being a 'hundredth' you are looking for a decimal limitation.
There is NO deciml point indicated.
463 is a whole number. So there's no different whole numberthat's any closer to it than it already is.
500 is.
Only by 1 and 463 since 463 is a prime number.
462.999 - unless it is being rounded to the nearest thousandths or smaller.
463 is a whole number. So there's no different whole numberthat's any closer to it than it already is.
500 is.
463 rounded to the nearest hundred would be 500. Normally if a number is past the halfway mark between hundreds (in this case, if it's past 450) you round up. If not, you round down. If your number is exactly at the halfway mark (i.e. 450 exactly) you normally still round up.
It is already rounded to the thousandths place, the hundredths, tenths and units places. So you need do nothing.
The positive integer factors of 463 are: 1, 463
Only by 1 and 463 since 463 is a prime number.
463-84 = 379
463-55 = 408