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Q: 4 ways on how to take temperature?
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Ways to take the temperature of a fire?

The best method is to use a pyrometer.

What are 4 different methods to take a temperature?

Oral method: placing a thermometer under the tongue. Axillary method: placing a thermometer in the armpit. Tympanic method: using an ear thermometer to measure temperature in the ear canal. Rectal method: inserting a thermometer into the rectum for a core body temperature reading.

Is 39.9 celsius a high temperature for a 4 YEAR OLD?

Not sure, but take them to the doctors

Is 104 a high temperature for a child of 4?

Extremely high! Take her to emergency ASAP!

How long does it take for mortar to cure?

At average temperature, 3-4 days to cure.

What are the ways stars are classified?

Two ways are by temperature and brightness

What are the two ways stars are classified?

Stars are classified based on their spectral characteristics, which categorizes them into spectral types (O, B, A, F, G, K, M) based on the temperature of their surface. They are also classified based on their luminosity, which categorizes them into different classes (I, II, III, IV, V) based on their brightness compared to the Sun.

How many ways can CARS be arranged?

4*3*2*1 = 24 ways.4*3*2*1 = 24 ways.4*3*2*1 = 24 ways.4*3*2*1 = 24 ways.

How many ways can the letters tjkl be arranged?

There are 4! or factorial(4) = 24 ways.

How many ways can you make 0.35 without using pennies?

4 Possible ways

What is the setting time of concrete?

The length of time that concrete takes to set, will depend on the temperature. It would take approximately 4 hours for concrete to set at a temperature of 80 degrees.

What are ways magma are formed?

pressure temperature compstion