When you are multiplying two numbers with decimals, it's easy to do.
First, multiply the numbers as if there were not decimals there:
... then, count the number of places for the decimal points, and add them together. 5.8 = 1 decimal place, 8.7 = 1 decimal place, the two added together are 2 decimal places. So your answer, 5046 needs to have two decimal places; or 50.46
(I'm sorry, I had to use a ~ to keep spacing correct... I'm having problems pushing a nbsp into the code... lol)
58% of 150 = 87 (150 / 100 x 58 = 87)
The GCF is 29.
The GCF of 58 and 87 is 29.
58 divided by 87 = 66.67%
GCF(58, 29, 87) = 29.
58 multiplied by 70 is 4,060.
58 * 7 = 406
87 x 66 = 5742
8 x 87 = 696
65 multiplied by 87 is 5,655.
756 x 87 = 65772