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Q: 5. What have been your experiences both positive and negative-with social media From your experiences what guidelines could you suggest for managers and organizations?
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Use of statistics in business?

Managers use statistics to assess risks. When a project has a high probability of being unsuccessful, managers will avoid the project.

How might a managers use the grapevine to their benefit?

Managers might use the grapevine to their benefit in order to find out about any employee dissatisfaction. They can also find out about potential problems that are occurring in areas of the company.

Importance of quantitative techniques?

Quantitative techniques provide managers with concrete evidence and information, which allows them to make better decisions. Without quantitative techniques, managers would guess and risk assets of the business.

What are four positive interventions managers can take concerning employee absenteeism?


Who developed Theory X and Theory Y?

Douglas McGregor developed Theory X and Theory YAccording to McGregor, there are the following two types of managers:• Theory X managers - These managers believe that most of the people are self-centered, are only motivated by their physiological and safety needs, and are indifferent to the needs of the organization they work for. They (usually the team) lack ambition and have very little creativity and problem-solving capacity. As a result, they dislike their work and will try to avoid it. They will also avoid taking responsibility and initiative. There is one word to describe Theory X managers: distrust. They distrust their employees. These managers, therefore, tend to be authoritarian.• Theory Y managers - As opposed to Theory X managers, Theory Y managers trust their employees. They believe that most of the people are high performers in a proper work environment. This is because most of the people are creative and committed to meeting the needs of the organization they work for. Theory Y managers also believe that most people like to take responsibility and initiative and are self-disciplined. Finally, they also believe that most people are motivated by all levels of needs in the Maslow's hierarchy of needs. These managers tend to provide more freedom and opportunity for career growth.Trivia:Given the same team and same work environment, a Theory Y Manager's team will perform better and deliver better quality work product than the team managed by the Theory X Manager. The reason is simple. People hate authority and in most cases rebel

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Organizations need management accounting so that managers can know how their departments are performing. Without managerial accounting, managers will be operating in the dark.

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So that the organization has order.

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Managers are not more important than staffs. They are equally important as managers would need the staffs to meet the objectives of the organizations and staffs need managers for guidance and coordination.

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highest-level managers

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highest-level managers