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Q: 5 negative influences on one's sense of self?
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Which of the factors influences ones sense of self?

Social environmentYour own personal "internal promoter or critic"

How do you describe the positive and negative influences on one's sense of self?

Positive influences on one's sense of self can come from supportive relationships, positive feedback, and personal achievements. Negative influences may stem from criticism, comparison to others, and past traumas or failures. Overall, a balance of positive influences can help strengthen one's sense of self, while negative influences may contribute to feelings of insecurity or self-doubt.

What are the five perceptual influences?

Culture, sex and gender, physical factors, technology, and our sense of self are the five perceptual influences.

What is a component of ones sense of self?

To be happy

Which category does level of trust and respect for teachers influences your sense of self?

Connection And Belonging. :)

How can you overcome the negative influences?

You can overcome negative influences by surrounding yourself with positive-minded and supportive individuals, consciously choosing to focus on positive thoughts and actions, and setting healthy boundaries with sources of negativity. Practicing self-care, mindfulness, and positive affirmations can also help you counteract negative influences in your life.

What cultural influences the development of the self?

Cultural influences such as family values, societal norms, religious beliefs, and community practices all play a role in shaping an individual's sense of self. These influences help shape one's identity, values, beliefs, and behaviors, ultimately contributing to one's overall self-concept.

What are the top two influences on self-esteem?

The top two influences on self-esteem are typically our upbringing and early experiences, which shape our beliefs about ourselves, and our current social relationships and interactions, which can either bolster or diminish our sense of self-worth.

What will Spending a lot of time with a person who is a pessimist might have a negative influence?

sense of self

What should be maintained to enhance ones sense of self?

To enhance one's sense of self, it is important to maintain self-awareness, practice self-acceptance, set boundaries, and engage in activities that align with personal values and goals. Additionally, seeking support from trusted individuals and engaging in self-care practices can also contribute to a stronger sense of self.

What factors could influence ones sense of self?

Meaningful activities social environment connectionss with others

What does erogant mean?

The word is spelled as arrogant and it is an adjective which means to have an inflated or exaggerated sense of self or ones abilities.