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Q: Where does our sense of identity come from?
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Which sentence from the passage support the idea that teenagers have an incomplete sense of identity?

The sentence "Teenagers are still developing their sense of identity and may struggle with self-confidence and self-esteem" supports the idea that teenagers have an incomplete sense of identity.

What does gender identity crisis mean?

A gender identity crisis occurs when an individual experiences uncertainty or distress about their gender identity, where they may question or struggle to understand their own sense of gender. This can involve feelings of confusion, discomfort, and a disconnect between one's assigned gender at birth and their internal sense of self. People in this situation may seek support, therapy, or exploration to better understand and come to terms with their gender identity.

Customs give people what?

A sense of identity.

What do customs give people?

A sense of identity.

What was the impact of the sense of group identity created by the Harlem Renaissance?

The impact of the sense of group identity created by the Harlem Renaissance is that it created a sense of belonging. It also cemented a collective bargaining power.

What was the impact of the sense of group of identity created by the Harlem renaissance?

The impact of the sense of group identity created by the Harlem Renaissance is that it created a sense of belonging. It also cemented a collective bargaining power.

Which hemisphere of the brain most involved in preserving one's sense of identity or self is?

The right hemisphere of the brain is more involved in preserving one's sense of identity or self. This hemisphere is associated with introspection, emotional processing, and the integration of experiences that contribute to a person's sense of self-awareness and identity.

The psychological sense of being male or female is called?

Gender identity. It refers to a person's internal sense of their gender, which may not necessarily align with the sex they were assigned at birth.

What are the four aspects of identity?

The four aspects of identity include personal identity (sense of self), social identity (group memberships), collective identity (shared beliefs and values), and relational identity (how we define ourselves in relation to others).

What does indentidy mean?

"Identity" refers to the characteristics, beliefs, traits, and values that distinguish an individual or group from others. It encompasses how one views themselves, their sense of belonging, and how they are perceived by others.

How are autonomy and a strong sense of identity related?

Autonomy and a strong sense of identity are interconnected in that having a strong sense of identity can contribute to one's ability to make autonomous decisions and assert their independence. When individuals have a clear understanding of who they are and what they value, they are more likely to act in alignment with their own beliefs and desires, leading to greater autonomy in their choices and actions. This autonomy, in turn, can further strengthen their identity by reinforcing their sense of agency and self-determination.

What is the relationship between history and identity?

status is how you are seen to society and where you are 'society-wise' and identity is who you are....does that make sense? <3