x=1, y=0
or you could do:
x=2. y=5
there are basically endless possibilties
If Y = 0 then there is no value of X such that XY = 1.
To find the x-coordinate of a point on the xy-plane, you look at the horizontal distance of the point from the y-axis. The y-coordinate of a point on the xy-plane is the vertical distance of the point from the x-axis.
So far you know that: x=-8 xy=1 so xy means x times y. If you split xy. y=1/x or y=1/-8 1/-8= -0.125 You can find out that this is correct with the formula xy=1 because -0.125 x -8 is 1.
There are 12 edges in 8 triplets of mutually perpendicular groups or 24 pairs.One triplet = three pairs since the triplet since the triplet (x y z) is equivalent to the pairs (xy, yz and zx)
46 chromosomes or 23 pairs of chromosomes where 44+xx or 44+xy xx are girls xy are boys
There are 46 chromosomes per cell, with 22 pairs and an XX pair for females or an XY pair for males.
the y-coordinate is 0.
All ordered pairs, (a,b) such that a > 0 and b > 0
No. Hermaphrodites have characteristics of both genders, but they have either XX or XY chromosome pairs.
its a 50/50 since the girls chromosomes are xx and the guys chromosomes are xy the pairs which can be created are xx,xx,xy,xy for the offspring to become a male its a 2/4 chance which is 50% :)
They are paired. Males have XY as a pair and females have XX as pairs.
i dont know- but there are 23 pairs of alleles (including the xx or xy ones)
The correct order is XY, where X represents the larger chromosome and Y represents the smaller, sex-determining chromosome.
We find 23 pairs of Chromosomes; which means, when you get down to it, 46 Individual Chromosomes.Further, 22 of these Chromosome Pairs are homologous Pairs while Chromosome Number 23 may either be XX or YX.
A male cell typically contains 22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes, usually XY. This gives a total of 46 chromosomes in a male cell.