The coordinate plane is sometimes call the Cartesian plane because Rene Descartes is often credited with inventing the coordinate plane and so the coordinate plane is sometimes called the Cartesian plane,in his honor.
The Rectangular Coordinate Plane
the coordinate plane is a map of points
It means to put the coordinates you were given on the coordinate plane. Ex. (-3,2) you find it the on the coordinate plane and then you plot it or graph it
A coordinate plane is sometimes called Cartesian plane in honor of René Descartes. YOU ARE AN IDIOT
A coordinate plane! If it has one or more breaks in it is not a coordinate plane but only a part of one.
no, coordinate graph is a graph made on a coordinate plane i.e xy-plane
plottingapoint is the answer, these puzzle suck!
The coordinate plane is sometimes call the Cartesian plane because Rene Descartes is often credited with inventing the coordinate plane and so the coordinate plane is sometimes called the Cartesian plane,in his honor.
A coordinate plane for 6 is -4,4
The Rectangular Coordinate Plane
the coordinate plane is a map of points
another name for a coordinate plane is Cartesian plane.
A Cartesian coordinate plane is a graph of two perpendicular directed lines with pairs of numerical coordinates. Images of these can be found in many math books, as well as sites such as Google Image, Bing Image, and Flickr.
A plane is the coordinate plane.
The coordinate system can be in any number of dimensions whereas the coordinate plane is a 2-dimensional concept.
It means to put the coordinates you were given on the coordinate plane. Ex. (-3,2) you find it the on the coordinate plane and then you plot it or graph it