There are: 60/6 = 10
To determine how many times 27 can go into 60, we need to perform division. When we divide 60 by 27, we get 2 with a remainder of 6. This means that 27 can go into 60 a total of 2 times, with a remainder of 6.
6, remainder 6
There are several. I would go for: 66 * 94 = (60 + 6)*(100 - 6) = 60*100 - 60*6 + 6*100 - 6*6 = 6000 - 360 + 600 - 36 = 6204 You could go for (60 + 6)*(90 + 4) instead, but other than the fact that all components are positive, I see no advantage. The multiplications are much simpler if (100 - 6) is used.
divide 60 in to 360 because 60 seconds r in a min and so 60 wont go into 36 but it will go into 360 evenly so now this is where u can guess n check i multiplied 60 x 6 and got 360 so my answer is 6 360 divided by 60= 6
ten 60 / 6 = 10 / 1 = 10
There are: 60/6 = 10
It goes: 60/6 = 10 times
To determine how many times 27 can go into 60, we need to perform division. When we divide 60 by 27, we get 2 with a remainder of 6. This means that 27 can go into 60 a total of 2 times, with a remainder of 6.
6, remainder 6
60 times.
The LCM is 60
There are several. I would go for: 66 * 94 = (60 + 6)*(100 - 6) = 60*100 - 60*6 + 6*100 - 6*6 = 6000 - 360 + 600 - 36 = 6204 You could go for (60 + 6)*(90 + 4) instead, but other than the fact that all components are positive, I see no advantage. The multiplications are much simpler if (100 - 6) is used.
6*83 = 498
60, 120, and all multiples of 60 thereafter.
divide 60 in to 360 because 60 seconds r in a min and so 60 wont go into 36 but it will go into 360 evenly so now this is where u can guess n check i multiplied 60 x 6 and got 360 so my answer is 6 360 divided by 60= 6