2.953 in.
Direct Conversion Formula 75 mm*
1 in
25.4 mm
2.952755906 in
It is about: 3 by 2.2 in inches
About 3 1/4" x 3"
Divide each measurement in millimeters by 25.4 to convert it into inches.
75mm = 7.5cm
75 mm = 2.953 inchesDirect Conversion Formula75mm*1 in25.4 mm=2.952755906in
75 millimeters is 2.95 inches.
It is about: 3 by 2.2 in inches
75mm of rain is equivalent to 75 liters of water per square meter.
About 3 1/4" x 3"
Divide each measurement in millimeters by 25.4 to convert it into inches.
75mm = 7.5cm
75 mm = 2.953 inchesDirect Conversion Formula75mm*1 in25.4 mm=2.952755906in
I don't know where you are, but in England it's 225mm x 75mm x 112.5mm
About 1.93 - by mental arithmetic! The conversion in 25.4mm = 1 inch. (1000mm = 1m) but I used the close approximation that 1m = 39 inches, and 75mm = 3 inches.
There are 29.52755903 inches in 75 centimeters. 75 centimeters x 0.393700787 inches/1 centimeter = 29.52755903 inches 1 centimeter = 0.393700787 inches
about 25,000' long
There are small freshwater koura, perhaps 75mm long; and the much larger koura in the ocean, perhaps 300 - 400 mm long.