There need no be any estimated digit.
0.503..the 3
The 7
The last one.
Your measurement should include one estimated digit.
Oh, dude, you're hitting me with the math questions now? Like, chill, I got this. The estimated digit in 0.0782m is 8 because it's the third digit after the decimal point. But hey, who's counting, right?
There need no be any estimated digit.
The last digit is always the estimated digit in a number
There need not be any estimated digit but, if there must be one, then it is the last digit: 3.
There need not be any estimated digit: there could well be exactly 4500.
.0002 is the estimated number
It is 0.08 M
It is the zero at the end.
None of the digits need be estimated.
The final 0.