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Q: 7 What have been the most significant successes or achievements of the past 6 months?
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How many months weeks and days has it been since the 12th of June?

As of 10/10/09 it has been 4 months.

How many months has it been in 74 days?

Nearly two and a half months.

How many significant figures in 0.2000?

Trailing zeros after a decimal point are not normally written. As trailing zeros have been written they must be significant; thus 0.2000 has 4 significant figures.

How do you determine the significant figure?

1. Zeros appearing between nonzero numbers are significant. For example, 3.02 has 3 significant figures. 2. Zeros appearing in front of nonzero numbers are not significant. For example, 0.0009 has 1 significant figure. 3. Zeros at the end of a number and to the right of a decimal point are significant. For example, 26.600 has 5 significant figures. 4. Zeros at the end of a number and to the left of a decimal point can be either significant or not significant. If the zero has been measured or estimated, it is significant. It is not significant if it has not been measured or estimated and is merely serving as a placeholder. A decimal placed after the zeros indicates that the zeros are significant. For example, 2000. has 4 significant figures. 2000 (with no decimal) has one significant figure. 5. In scientific notation, all digits appearing before the exponent are significant. For example, 3.226 x 105 has 4 significant figures.

How many months and days are in the Roman Calendar?

The Roman Calendar has 10 months in its system. Among these ten months, there were 304 days. This has been expanded on to 12 months and 365 days, which is still used today.

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The answer is yes. But I would only list those where you have put in a lot of effort to get to where you are. So for instance if you have a sales target for a year of £1 million and you are at £900k after 10 months - I'd put it in. It's better though wherever possible to put in achievements with their results. The link below takes you to a great free guide on writing CVs (and achievements)

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