LCD(14, 19, 15) = 3990
The Common Denominator For 9 and 19 Is 177
20 is.
As far as simplify meaning finding a smaller denominator, the answer is no. The only common factor between 19 and 15 is 1, so the fraction cannot be reduced, but it is an improper fraction, so you could turn it into a mixed number: 19/15 = 1 4/15.
To find which of two fractions is greater, first find a common denominator. The fraction with the larger numerator is the greater fraction. Note that it is not necessary to multiply the terms of the common denominator; it is only the numerator that must be worked out.4/15 = (4 x 19)/(19 x 15) = 76/(19 x 15)5/19 = (5 x 15)/(19 x 15) = 75/(19 x 15)This shows that 4/15 is greater than 5/19.
The common denominator of any two or more whole numbers will always be 1.
LCD(14, 19, 15) = 3990
The Common Denominator For 9 and 19 Is 177
20 is.
As far as simplify meaning finding a smaller denominator, the answer is no. The only common factor between 19 and 15 is 1, so the fraction cannot be reduced, but it is an improper fraction, so you could turn it into a mixed number: 19/15 = 1 4/15.
The LCD of 9/20 and 19/46 is 460.
To find which of two fractions is greater, first find a common denominator. The fraction with the larger numerator is the greater fraction. Note that it is not necessary to multiply the terms of the common denominator; it is only the numerator that must be worked out.4/15 = (4 x 19)/(19 x 15) = 76/(19 x 15)5/19 = (5 x 15)/(19 x 15) = 75/(19 x 15)This shows that 4/15 is greater than 5/19.
A common denominator is 209, as is any multiple of 209.
If two fractions share an equal denominator, you can simply add the top, so 15 + 4 = 19, so therefore = 19/25
It is 12*19 = 228.
It is: 133