The common denominator of any two or more whole numbers will always be 1.
LCD(14, 19, 15) = 3990
The Common Denominator For 9 and 19 Is 177
7/15 = 28/60 19/20 = 57/60
The common denominator of 15 and 9 is 45.
What is the lowest common denominator of 15 over 57?
To find which of two fractions is greater, first find a common denominator. The fraction with the larger numerator is the greater fraction. Note that it is not necessary to multiply the terms of the common denominator; it is only the numerator that must be worked out.4/15 = (4 x 19)/(19 x 15) = 76/(19 x 15)5/19 = (5 x 15)/(19 x 15) = 75/(19 x 15)This shows that 4/15 is greater than 5/19.
A common denominator is 209, as is any multiple of 209.
The greatest common denominator is infinite. The least common denominator is 45.
A common denominator, though not the least, is 150.
The least common denominator is 120.
The common denominator of 4/8 and 11/15 is 90.
A common denominator of 6 and 15 is 90.