If the original price is $28 and it is on sale for 1/4 off
28 x (3/4) = 21
The sale price would be $21
To find the discount price for an item subtract the fraction from 1 (which would be 1-(1/4)=3/4) Then multiply that number (3/4) by the original price.
Hope this helps.
The sale price will be $14.21
Regular price - 15 = sale price
41 + 41 + 41 = 123 so a third off is 41 + 41 = 82
What is the sale price of an item that costs $75.00 and is discounted 30%?
If it is 28 dollars off the regular price, then the sale price will be 695 - 28 = $667. If it is 28 PERCENT off the regular price, then it will be $500.40.
The sale price will be $14.21
Regular price - 15 = sale price
an item on sale
If it's 25 dollars off, you would have to pay $264.95.
The price that is costs to post an engine for sale on eBay depends on how much you start the listing price from. The cheapest option costs fifteen cents and the most expensive is four dollars.
AS of December 2013, there is not an official answers.com t-shirt for sale.
41 + 41 + 41 = 123 so a third off is 41 + 41 = 82
The profit is the sale price minus the purchase price minus the transaction costs.
29*0.7 = 20.30
Usually your closing costs are put in an escrow account and paid shortly after the close of sale.
A sale or a bargin