

Best Answer

If the mass of the barrel is 40 kilograms and the barrel is presently on earth, then it

weighs 392 newtons (88.2 pounds). What you do with it, what dizzying gyrations you

subject it to, or what other objects happen to be nearby, have no effect on its weight.

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Q: A 40 kilogram barrel is rolled up a 10 meter long ramp to a height of 5 meters a How much does the barrel weigh?
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A 40 kilogram barrel is rolled up a 10 meter long ramp to a height of 5 meters a How much work was done?

40 kilograms!

If a 40 kilogram barrel is rolled up a 10 meter long ramp to a height of 5 meters how much work was done?

M g H = (40) x (9.8) x (5) = 1,960 newton-meters = 1,960 joules

How much work was done if a 40 kilogram barrel is rolled up a 10 meter long ramp to a height of 5 meters?

When a 40-kg load is raised 5 meters, its gravitational potential energy increasesby [ m g h = (40) x (9.8) x (5) ] = 1,960 joules.That's the minimum work required to get it up there, and it doesn't matter how fastor slowly the lift took place, or what route it followed.

How much work was done to rolled a 40 kilogram up a 10 meter long ramp to a height of 5 meters.?

Potential energy is calculated as mgh - mass x gravitation x height. The 10 meters are irrelevant in this problem; what is relevant is that the object is elevated 5 m. higher than it was before. Unless otherwise stated, use 9.8, or perhaps 9.82, for the gravitation. This is more or less the standard gravitation on Earth.

A 40 kg barrel is rolled up a 10 meter long ramp to a height of 5 meters How much work was done?

The work done is equal to the change in potential energy of the barrel. The change in potential energy can be calculated using the formula PE = mgh, where m is the mass (40 kg), g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s^2), and h is the height (5 meters). The work done would be 40 kg * 9.81 m/s^2 * 5 meters.

Is a rolled-up ball of paper tavelling at 10 meters per second dangerous?

That is equivilent to dropping it from a height of 5 meters, about 16 feet, so I would say no but you don't specify the mass or weight of the ball of rolled up paper. A single sheet of paper, rolled up, no, several tons of paper wrapped into a tightly packed ball the size of a tank, yes.

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Yes, they can be rolled after being end loaded. When you roll a bat you are rolling the sweet spot not the entire length of the barrel.

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To barrel means to move rapidly and recklessly, as if you rolled a barrel down a road. A tin can on wheels would be a description of an automobile.

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And the question is????

A ball is rolled uphill a distance of 3 meters before it slows stops and begins to roll back the ball rolls downhill 6 meters before coming to a rest against a tree what is the magnitude of the balls?

The magnitude of the balls displacement is 9 meters.

What A ball rolled up hill a distance of 5 meters before it slows stops and begin to roll back the ball rolls downhill 9 meters before coming to a rest again against the tree?

The total distance traveled by the ball is 5 meters uphill + 9 meters downhill = 14 meters. The ball returns to its original position against the tree.

Which has more potential energy a 10 kg box rolled on a 5 meter long ramp up to ledge or a 10 kg box rolled up a 20 meter long ramp?

The 10 kg box rolled on a 20 meter long ramp has more potential energy because potential energy is directly proportional to the height gained. Since the ramp for the second box is longer, it allows the box to gain more height and therefore more potential energy compared to the first box.