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the clown on the stilts is correct. because of air pressure.

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Q: A 600 N clown on stilts says to two 600 N clowns sitting on the ground i am exerting twice as much pressure as the two of you together could this statement be true?
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A 600N clown on stilts says to two 600 N clowns sitting on the ground i am exerting twice as much pressure as you two together! is this true?

It is likely to be untrue: he is likely to be exerting far more pressure. It will be true if the cross sectional area of the bases of the stilts are a quarter of the cross-sectional area of the contact area between the sitting clowns and the ground. The stilts' base is likely to be much smaller.

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Activities like weightlifting, especially squats and deadlifts, put significant pressure on the lumbar region of the back due to the heavy load and bending involved. Improper lifting techniques in daily activities like moving heavy objects can also strain the lumbar region. High-impact activities such as running or jumping can also place strain on the lower back if not done with proper form.

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Sitting down

The activity that puts the most continues pressure on the lumbar region of your lower back?

Sitting for long periods of time can put continuous pressure on the lumbar region of the lower back, especially if you have poor posture. The lack of movement and support for the spine can lead to discomfort and potential long-term issues. It's important to take breaks, practice good posture, and use proper ergonomic support to alleviate the strain on the lower back.

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a peice of art that you create while your sitting on your toilet

What does general statement mean?

a peice of art that you create while your sitting on your toilet

When would the air pressure inside a bicycle tire be lowest?

When you are not sitting on it.

How does posture affect heart rate?

Lying down is slower than sitting, because of pressure differences in the carotid sinus. Sitting is slower than standing, because of pressure differences in the legs and thighs.

What is blood pressure difference in sitting and standing positions?

Because when sitting you are more relaxed, and the blood flowing has less difficult to go upwards from the legs. The most accurate reading of blood pressure is taken when the person is laid on a bed, using an analogical blood pressure device.

Why does the pulse rate increase when a person stands up from sitting?

When a person stands up from sitting, the body has to work harder to maintain blood flow to the brain and other parts of the body against gravity. This can temporarily decrease blood pressure, leading to a compensatory increase in heart rate to maintain adequate blood circulation.

What is another word for sit together?

Another word for sitting together could be lounge or gather.

The most important part of writing your personal statement is?

being clear on its purpose The most important part of writing a personal statement is sitting down and actually getting to write it.