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Q: Can a 600 N person on stilts extert twice the amount of pressure than two people sitting on the ground?
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A 600 N clown on stilts says to two 600 N clowns sitting on the ground i am exerting twice as much pressure as the two of you together could this statement be true?

the clown on the stilts is correct. because of air pressure.

How do you find the weight of a suitcase having a mass of 72kg exerts the pressure of 85Pa on the ground?

If it has a mass of 72 kg, then its weight on earth is 705.6 newtons (about 158.7 pounds). Its size, shape, color, fabric, contents, or the pressure it exerts on the ground don't matter. Consider this: If you set the suitcase down on its bottom, on one side, or on one end, its pressure on the ground would be different in each case, but its weight would not change.

How many square inches a tire of highlander touches ground?

The answer will depend on the tyre pressure and the mass of and in the Highlander.

What is Bernoulli's theory?

This is a very simple explanation that I have given to my Grade 6 students. Bernoulli's Theory, which originally was applied to his research in fluids & medicine (particularly blood pressure), helps explain how planes fly. He discovered the principal that the pressure of a fluid decreases when its speed or velocity increase, this prinicpal was also later discovered to apply to air pressure as well. This helps us to understand that when a plane is speeding up for take off, the faster it goes the less air pressure is exerted on it and therefore the plane is able to 'lift-off' the ground and fly. A plane that does not obtain sufficient speed on the ground, for its size & weight, may not be able to take off successfully.

What does the surface area of an object have to do with the amount of pressure it can exert?

It only has to do with the surface area in contact with the support force (the side or surface that is in contact with the ground, table, etc.). If you have two cans, each with 3 solid bricks on top of them. One can has a diameter of 3 cm, while the other has a diameter of 5 cm. Which one has greater pressure? The can with a diameter of 3 cm. This is because there is less surface area in contact with the support force, so there is less area to distribute the force. Pressure is inversely related to area. Remember that pressure is measured in Pascals. Pressure is equal to Force over Area or p=F/A. Assuming that both cans have the same weight with the bricks on top. Lets assume each weighs 5 kilograms. So the pressure for the 5 cm can would be 5 kg (weight) * 9.8 (Gravity force) / 5 cm * pi (Area) or about 3.12 Pascals. Our 3 cm can would be 5 kg * 9.8 / 3 cm * pi or about 5.20 Pascals.

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Why Does atmospheric pressure decreased as you climb a mountain?

The atmosphere is full of layers and when you are at ground level, you have a maximum amount of air above you, but when you climb the mountain, the amount of air decreases and thus the pressure Hope that was helpful!

A 600N clown on stilts says to two 600 N clowns sitting on the ground i am exerting twice as much pressure as you two together! is this true?

It is likely to be untrue: he is likely to be exerting far more pressure. It will be true if the cross sectional area of the bases of the stilts are a quarter of the cross-sectional area of the contact area between the sitting clowns and the ground. The stilts' base is likely to be much smaller.

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A 600 N clown on stilts says to two 600 N clowns sitting on the ground i am exerting twice as much pressure as the two of you together could this statement be true?

the clown on the stilts is correct. because of air pressure.

What is the relationship between pressure and airflow?

There are two types of atm pressure: static and dynamic. Static atm pressure stems solely from amount of air piled above the pressure point where the pressure is measured. We typically measure that at ground level; so the pressure is based on the weight of all the air above the ground. Dynamic air pressure is based in part on the static air pressure but as modified by the flow of the air above the pressure point where it's measured. A gent named Bernoulli found that the static air pressure is reduced by a predictable amount depending on air velocity when the air flows over the pressure point. And that's the answer. The static air pressure is reduced by air flow over the pressure point. In fact the amount of reduction is proportional to the velocity of the air flow over the pressure point.

How birds sitting on the wire?

you have to be incontact with the ground to get electrocuted!

When is the pressure on the ground more-when a man is lying or when a man is standing?

There is more pressure when the man is standing, since pressure is the amount of force acting on a certain area and is calculated by dividing the force by the area. When a man is standing, the area of contact with the ground is less than the area of contact when lying down. Since his weight is constant, there is more pressure when he is standing.

How do you increase ground pressure?

Ground pressure can be increased by either adding weight to the object exerting pressure or by reducing the surface area in contact with the ground. Increasing the weight or decreasing the area will concentrate the force, leading to higher ground pressure.

What is the potential energy of 0.5 kg ball sitting on A table 1 m above the ground?

The potential energy of a 0.480kg bird sitting 22.8m above the ground is 107.25 joules

How can you increase the amount of potential energy in a book sitting on a book shelf?

To increase the potential energy of the book, you can raise it to a higher shelf, increasing its distance from the ground. The potential energy of an object is directly proportional to its height above a reference point, in this case, the ground.

What is the ground pressure on a D6N LGP?

The ground pressure on a D6N LGP (Low Ground Pressure) dozer is around 5.5 psi (pounds per square inch). The LGP configuration allows for better weight distribution and reduced ground pressure, making it ideal for working in soft or sensitive ground conditions.

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the bird is sitting on the tree