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Let x= height of the tree

By ratio and proportion:

6ft/4.5ft = x/15ft

4.5ft x = 6ft (15ft)

x= 20ft.

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Q: A 6ft tall post cast a shadow on the ground that is 4.5ft long a tree cast a shadow 15ft long How tall is the tree?
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What do you call the object that do not cast a shadow?

ground ot

Where is the shadow cast relation to the sun?

The shadow is cast on the side opposite to the direction of the sun. So if the sun is in the east, the shadow is cast towards the west.

What is the physical sign of an eagle hunting?

eagles cast a shadow on the ground

Why are shadows cast on the ground?

A shadow is a place where direct light has been blocked from reaching in the presence of direct light around it. Because most direct light is received from the sun, the shadow is cast on the ground. The light would normally have reached the ground, but something (a person, a building, a cloud, etc.) blocked the light between the sun and the ground resulting in a shadow.

A 15ft light pole cast a 25ft shadow a 20 foot light pole castes a X shadow?

15 / 25 = 20 / x Cross multiply and solve. 15*x=25*20 15x=500 x = 500/15 = 33.33 ft. ■

Does the full moon cast a shadow on the ground like the sun does?

Yes, it certainly can cause a shadow. Of course, it needs an object between the Moon and ground to actually cast the shadow.During a solar eclipse the Moon itself casts a shadow, but that's at New Moon, not Full Moon.Often it's hard to see a moonlight shadow, because of all the artificial lighting in towns.

Why is there no shadow of the tree on the ground at 8pm?

as there is no sunlight at 8pm,and shadow is formed when light can not pass through that object casting shadow and if u throw light on tree it will not cast shadow on the ground as it only can happen before sunset.....

How long in feet would the shadow be for an object which is 18.6 feet tall?

In addition to the height of the object, the length of its shadow depends on a few other things that are not described in the question. -- Is the object standing straight upright ? -- Is the shadow cast on the ground or on sometheing else? -- If on the ground, is the ground level ? -- What is the altitude (angle) of the sun ?

When the sun rises in the morning you would expect a shadow cast by a stick in the ground in your location to point at?


Why the shadow of flying bird is not seen on the ground even though it is opaque?

The shadow of a flying bird is not seen on the ground because the bird is not touching the ground to cast a shadow. Shadows are formed when an object is blocking light from a source, but since the bird is not grounded, its shadow is not projected onto the surface below. Additionally, the bird's fast movement may also affect the visibility and clarity of a shadow.

What makes shadows big and small?

Its all to do with the angle of the light source and how the shadow is cast on the surface. A low sun for example, will give a long shadow on the ground, while a shorter shadow occurs when the sun is more overhead.

A light 3m above the ground causes a boy 1.8m tall to cast a shadow?

depends on the direction depends on the direction