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Q: A Deviation from the specified or expected behaviour that is visible to end users is called?
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What is program visible register?

the registers that are used during programming and are specified directly by the instructions.

User visible register?

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Which colour of a light shows maximum deviation when passed through a prism?


Which color of light shows maximum deviation when passing through prism?

Violet light shows the maximum deviation when passing through a prism due to its shorter wavelength and higher frequency compared to other colors in the visible spectrum. This causes it to refract more than other colors, resulting in a greater angle of deviation.

What is a program visible register?

the registers that are used during programming and are specified directly by the instructions.

The visible spectrum of sunlight reflected from Saturn's cold moon Titan would be expected to be?

The visible spectrum of sunlight reflected from Titan would appear pale yellow or orange due to the presence of methane in its atmosphere, which absorbs and scatters shorter-wavelength light. The hazy atmosphere on Titan also contributes to the muted colors observed from space.

When has Halley's Comet been visible?

Every 76 years, on the average, throughout recorded history. Most recently in 1986. Expected to be near enough to be visible again by around 2061.

How large is the H on a helipad?

As big as necessary to be visible form a typical approach altitude. Normally about the size of the helicopter(s) expected there is enough.

Are all phenotypic expression visible?

No, not all phenotypic expressions are visible. Some phenotypes may be internal traits, such as blood type or metabolism, and may not be visible on the external appearance of an organism. Other phenotypes may be influenced by environmental factors and may not always be apparent.

What is the wavelength unit of light?

The wavelength unit of light is typically measured in nanometers (nm) or meters (m).

When white light passed through prism the colour which has least deviation?

The color that undergoes the least deviation when white light passes through a prism is red. This is because red light has the longest wavelength amongst the colors of the visible spectrum, which results in less bending when passing through the prism compared to the shorter wavelength colors like violet or blue.