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4% Visible Matter (Atoms)

23% Dark Matter

73% Dark Energy

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Q: Compare the amount of visible matter in the universe with the total amount of matter and energy?
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What is meant by E equals mc squared?

Einstein gave us E=mc2, and this equation is what is called the mass-energy equivalence. What the equation says is that there is a direct relationship between matter (something with mass, m) and energy (e). If a specific amount of mass is converted into energy, there will be a specific amount of energy created. If a specific amount of energy is converted into mass, there will be a specific amount of mass created. But how much? Let's look.If a specific amount of mass creates a specific amount of energy when converted and we double the amount of mass, we'll get double the amount of energy when it's converted. If a specific amount of energy is converted into mass and we double the amount of energy, we'll get double the amount of mass when we convert it. One more thing.The conversion factor when changing mass to energy or energy to mass is the square of the speed of light (c2). If one kilogram of mass is converted into energy, the equation will look like this:E = mc2 = 1 x (3 x 108)2 = 9 x 1016 Joules of energy.That's a lot of energy. Over 4 million average homes could run for a year on that energy. There is a huge amount of energy in matter if we convert it all to energy. Use the link to learn more.

Watt hour efficiency?

The Watt hour efficiency is the ratio of the amount of energy available during the discharge of an accumulator to the amount of energy put in during charge.

3 A works by sending out a beam of energy and recording the amount of energy that is reflected back and amount of time it takes for the beam to reflect back?

a weather radar

Is time dependent on mass energy and distance?

Time is not dependent upon anything. Time is what it is. However, the amount of time necessary for something to happen IS dependent upon the amount of energy put into it, the amount of mass it is happening to and the distance across which it is happening.

What are the 5 steps of power?

Energy, Atmosphere radiation, planet resources, accumulations of universe effective, and sun radio wave.

Related questions

The amount of energy in the universe is?

The Total amount of energy in the universe is E=mc2 =1.9 E70 Joules.

What is the total amount of energy in the universe never changes called?

You are thinking of the conservation of energy law which states energy can neither ber created or destroyed.

How does the amount of energy in the univeres today compare to the amount in the universe one million ago?

It isn't entirely clear whether total energy is conserved in General Relativity, or whether the total energy is even clearly defined in all cases. But in general it is assumed that the total amount of energy doesn't change over time.

The total amount of energy in the universes eye?

The total amount of energy in the universe eye is zero.

Compare the frequency and energy of infrared waves to the frequency energy of the visible light?

Visible light has a higher frequency, a higher energy per photon, and a smaller wavelength, compared to infrared.

According to the law of conservation of energy the total amount of energy in the universe?


What does the total amount of energy and mass equivalent energy in the universe never do?

The total energy and mass-energy equivalent in the universe remains constant. This principle is known as the conservation of energy and mass-energy equivalence, as stated by the law of conservation of energy in physics.

Why does the amount of energy in the universe never changes?

The total amount of energy in the universe remains constant because of the law of conservation of energy, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted from one form to another. This means that while energy may change from one form (such as kinetic energy to potential energy) or be transferred between objects, the total amount of energy in the universe remains constant.

The law which states that the total amount of energy in the universe does not change?

The Law of Conservation of Energy

How often does the total amount of energy in the universe change?

We do not think it does change.

Compare the energy stored in a lipid to the energy stored in a carbohydrate?

the amount of energy is double in lipids as compared to carbohydrtes

How does the level of an energy pyramid compare to the bottom level of that energy pyramid?

it contains the least amount of the total energy.