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The question isn't quite clear therefore there are two answers depending on the interpretation of the question.

# Assuming a customer bought the bag for 40 and the company earned a 15% profit, then the profit would be 40 x 15% = 6 # Assuming the company bought the bag for 40 and then sold it on for 15% profit, then the selling price would be 40/(100% - 15%) = 47.06 giving a profit of 7.06

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Q: A bag was bought for 40 and at a profit of 15 percent of the cost price what is the profit?
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How do you find cost price if profit percent and selling price is given?

find cost price if selling price =600 and profit=20%

How do you calculate cost price if we know the selling price and profit percent?

What I do is organize it as follows... Cost Price = 100% Selling Price = 100% + profit percent Then you can fill in the variables and cross multiply, for example if you know the selling price is $27 and the profit percent is 10% then you can fill it in accordingly... Cost Price = 100% $27 = 100 + 10 l l \/ Cost Price = 100% $27 = 110% Then you do ($27 x 100%) / 110 to get $24.55. That means that the Cost price is $24.55

How do you calculate selling price if you know cost price and profit percentage.?

If you know the trade price, and the the mark-up (profit) - simply multiply the trade price by the percent mark-up plus 1. Using your example - you have a phone which you bought at 1500 trade, and you want 50% profit, then the selling price is 1.5 x 1500 which is 2250.

What is your cost price if your selling price is 580 and your gross profit percentage is thirty three and a third percent?

Selling price = cost price + gross profit 580 = cost*(1 + 331/3%) = cost*4/3 So cost = 580*3/4 = 435

Buying price is 5.25 and selling price is 6.00 so what is profit percentage?

Approximately 14.3% To get the percentage profit per item (ignoring overhead such as rent, taxes, salary, etc--none of which are provided in the question), you divide the amount of profit, 6.00-5.25=0.75 by the cost (in this case the price you bought for to get: percent profit=0.75/5.25=1/7, or about 0.143=14.3%

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Selling price = Cost + Profit= Cost + Cost*30% = cost*(1.30) = 156*1.3 = 202.80Selling price = Cost + Profit= Cost + Cost*30% = cost*(1.30) = 156*1.3 = 202.80Selling price = Cost + Profit= Cost + Cost*30% = cost*(1.30) = 156*1.3 = 202.80Selling price = Cost + Profit= Cost + Cost*30% = cost*(1.30) = 156*1.3 = 202.80

How do you calculate cost price if we know the selling price and profit percent?

What I do is organize it as follows... Cost Price = 100% Selling Price = 100% + profit percent Then you can fill in the variables and cross multiply, for example if you know the selling price is $27 and the profit percent is 10% then you can fill it in accordingly... Cost Price = 100% $27 = 100 + 10 l l \/ Cost Price = 100% $27 = 110% Then you do ($27 x 100%) / 110 to get $24.55. That means that the Cost price is $24.55

How do you calculate selling price if you know cost price and profit percentage.?

If you know the trade price, and the the mark-up (profit) - simply multiply the trade price by the percent mark-up plus 1. Using your example - you have a phone which you bought at 1500 trade, and you want 50% profit, then the selling price is 1.5 x 1500 which is 2250.

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What is your cost price if your selling price is 580 and your gross profit percentage is thirty three and a third percent?

Selling price = cost price + gross profit 580 = cost*(1 + 331/3%) = cost*4/3 So cost = 580*3/4 = 435

You buy a stove and sell it for 2500.00 at a profit of 20 percent what is the cost price?

If your profit is 20%, then your cost was 80%. 2,500 x 80% = 2,000

How do you get a cost price and a markup if you know the selling price and profit?

Selling price less profit equals cost price. The markup is the profit plus cost price.