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Its initial speed cannot be 20 m, as stated in the question. Secondly, if the initial speed is correctly given, then there is no need to calculate it!

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Q: A ball is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 20 m calculate its initial speed take g10 ms-2?
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No. The one with higher initial speed will hit the ground first if they are both thrown straight down.

How do you work out the initial speed?

To calculate initial speed (also known as initial velocity), use the following formula: initial speed = (final speed - acceleration*time). You will need to know the final speed, acceleration, and time to calculate the initial speed accurately.

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To find the speed at which the object was thrown upward, we need to know the acceleration due to gravity. Assuming g ≈ 9.81 m/s², the initial speed of the object can be calculated using the equation v = u - gt, where v is the final speed (0 m/s when it returns), u is the initial speed, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and t is the time (6 seconds). This calculation will give you the initial speed at which the object was thrown upward.

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Without time given, it is not possible to calculate the initial speed. The initial speed can be determined only if you have the time taken to reach a certain point from rest, along with the distance traveled or acceleration information. The formula to calculate initial speed is v = u + at, where v is the final velocity, u is the initial velocity, a is acceleration, and t is time.

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You can find the final speed using the formula: final speed = initial speed + (acceleration * time). Simply plug in the values for initial speed, acceleration, and time to calculate the final speed of the object.

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We have no idea how big the rock is, and no way to figure it out. But we can calculate that it reaches 11.48 meters above the ground before it starts falling.

A stone is thrown straight upward and it rises to a height of 20 meters With what speed was it thrown?

To determine the initial speed, you can use the kinematic equation: v² = u² + 2as, where v is the final velocity (0 m/s at the top), u is the initial velocity, a is acceleration (gravitational acceleration at -9.8 m/s²), and s is the displacement (20 m). Solving for u, you get u = sqrt(2as) = sqrt(2*-9.8*20) = 19.8 m/s. So, the stone was thrown upward with a speed of 19.8 m/s.

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Speed(74) = 72.2Speed(50) = 44.7

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If you know the initial speed (u), acceleration (a) and time (t), then the final speed, v = u + at.

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If a small marble is dropped straight downward what is the initial velocity of the marble?

The initial velocity is zero. In most basic physics problems like this one the initial velocity will be zero as a rule of thumb: the initial velocity is always zero, unless otherwise stated, or this is what you are solving for Cases where the initial velocity is not zero examples a cannon ball is shot out of a cannon at 50 mph a ball is thrown from at a speed of 15 mph etc