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t matters how much mass the ball has

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Q: A ball thrown upward reaches 13 meters how much time will it take to fall to the ground?
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What is the height of a rock that is thrown upward with an initial speed of 15 meter per second?

We have no idea how big the rock is, and no way to figure it out. But we can calculate that it reaches 11.48 meters above the ground before it starts falling.

How will the speed of a ball thrown upward and a ball thrown downward compare upon striking the ground?

The speed of a ball thrown upward upon striking the ground will be the same as the speed at which it was thrown, but in the opposite direction. The speed of a ball thrown downward upon striking the ground will be faster than the speed at which it was thrown due to the acceleration from gravity.

How the interconversion of body take place when a ball thrown upward reaches the ground after certain height?

There is no such thing as "interconversion of body" in this case. There are energy conversions; perhaps that's what you mean?

Why do objects fall to the ground when thrown upward?

Objects fall back to the ground when thrown upward due to the force of gravity acting upon them. Gravity is a force that pulls objects towards the center of the Earth, causing them to accelerate downwards. When an object is thrown up, it loses its upward velocity and gravity then pulls it back towards the ground.

Why does a basketball move upward and then downward?

When a basketball is thrown upward, it is acted upon by gravity, which pulls it back down towards the ground. As it moves upward, its velocity decreases until it reaches its peak height and momentarily stops, then gravity causes it to accelerate back downward due to the force of gravity.

What is the velocity of a ball thrown upward at 16 feet and seconds?

The initial velocity of the ball is 16 feet per second when thrown upward. The velocity decreases as the ball travels upward due to gravity until it reaches its peak and starts to fall back down.

Acceleration of a rock thrown straight upward at the moment it reaches the tippy-top of its trajectory?

9.8 m/s (2) Squared

Which best describes the speed of a ball as it is thrown straight up into the air and comes back down?

The speed of the ball is greatest when it is thrown upward and decreases as it reaches the peak of its trajectory. The speed continues to decrease as the ball falls back down due to the force of gravity pulling it towards the ground.

Why do things thrown upward fall back to the ground?

Things thrown upward fall back to the ground due to the force of gravity, which pulls objects towards the Earth's center. As the object rises, its speed decreases until the pull of gravity overcomes the upward force and causes it to fall back down.

A volleyball is dropped from a cliff and a soccer is thrown upward from the same position when each ball reaches the ground at the bottom of the cliff the volleyball will hit the ground with greater?

The volleyball will NOT hit the ground with greater anything. Assuming that the soccer ball is the same spherical diameter and greater mass than the volleyball it will hit the ground with greater velocity and greater impact.

What happened to the ball when you thrown upward?

When a ball is thrown upward, it experiences a brief period of acceleration while moving against the force of gravity. Once the ball reaches its peak height, it begins to fall back down due to gravity.

How much work is done when an object is thrown upward?

When an object is thrown upward, work is done against gravity as the object moves upward. The amount of work done is equal to the force applied to lift the object multiplied by the distance it moves vertically.