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The weight of the displaced water is 2/3 the weight of the brick.

So the weight of the brick is 3/2 the weight of an equal volume of water ...

just another way of saying that the density of the brick is 1.5 gm/cm3.

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Q: A brick suspended in air by a spring scale has measured mass of 9 kg when the brick is submerged in water the scale reads 3 kg what is they density of the brick?
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Weight is measured using a spring scale, which operates on the principle of Hooke's law that the force exerted on the spring is proportional to the displacement of the spring. The spring scale measures weight by the amount of force needed to stretch the spring within the scale.

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What force is measured with a spring force?

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If the spring is cut in half, its stiffness will increase and it will stretch less for the same load. The new stretch will depend on the new stiffness of the spring. Without knowing the exact stiffness of the original spring and the new one, it is difficult to determine the exact stretch without calculations.

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A balanced scale, which compares the mass of one object with that of another.Mass is measured by physical balance.Weight is measured by a spring balance.

Do a spring scale measures mass?

Weight is the property measured by a spring scale. That is Mass X Acceleration.

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