

Best Answer

Pendant in a clock


Suspended spring with mass attached

An object moving back and forth between rubber buffers along an air track

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Q: What are the 4 example of bodies performing simple harmonic motion?
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Related questions

Is the motion of a metronome an example harmonic motion?

Yes, the motion of a metronome is an example of harmonic motion. The swinging motion of the metronome follows a repetitive pattern back and forth, which can be described using simple harmonic motion equations.

What is maximum at mean position for particle performing simple harmonic motion?

Velocity is maximum at mean position for particle performing simple harmonic motion. Another feature that is maximum at this position is kinetic energy.

Is motion of planets around sun an example of simple harmonic motion?

No. The equations for three or more bodies moving under the influence of each others' gravity, is extremely complex.

Is a bouncing ball an example of simple harmonic motion?

Yes, a bouncing ball can be considered an example of simple harmonic motion when it bounces up and down in a consistent pattern. The ball's motion can be modeled using concepts like amplitude, frequency, and period which are typical in simple harmonic motion.

Is motion of swing an example of simple harmonic motion?

A body undergoes simple harmonic motion if the acceleration of the particle is proportional to the displacement of the particle from the mean position and the acceleration is always directed towards that mean. Provided the amplitude is small, a swing is an example of simple harmonic motion.

What is meant by the amplitude of a body performing simple harmonic motion?

The absolute value of the distance "crest to trough" perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the motion.

Is bouncing ball an example of simple harmonic motion?

yes a bouncing ball is an example of SHM

Is movement of bee is simple harmonic motion?

No, the movement of a bee is not an example of simple harmonic motion. Simple harmonic motion is a type of periodic motion where the restoring force is directly proportional to the displacement from equilibrium. Bees may move in complex paths or patterns depending on their behavior and environment.

Is uniform circular motion a simple harmonic motion?

Simple Harmonic motion is circular motion. Look at a graph showing simple harmonic motion... you'll see it.

Is a wheel spinning harmonic motion?

No, a wheel spinning is rotational motion, not harmonic motion. Harmonic motion refers to a type of periodic motion where a system oscillates around an equilibrium position.

Is it possible for a moving body to have acceleration without velocity?

simple harmonic motion (SHM) the two summits of motion are an example

More differences between simple harmonic motion and periodic motion with practical examples?

Simple harmonic motion is a type of periodic motion where the restoring force is directly proportional to the displacement from equilibrium. Practical examples include a swinging pendulum or a mass-spring system. Periodic motion, on the other hand, refers to any repeated motion that follows the same path at regular intervals, such as the motion of a wheel rotating. So, while all simple harmonic motion is periodic, not all periodic motion is necessarily simple harmonic.