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Magnitude of acceleration = (change in speed) / (time for the change) = 2/5

Acceleration = 0.4 meters per second2 north

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Q: A car traveling at 8 meters per second due north speeds up to 10 meters per second in the same direction If it takes the car 5 seconds to change its velocity what is the car's acceleration?
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What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the car who is traveling along east with a constant velocity?

The magnitude of the acceleration of the car is zero. This is because acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, and since the car is traveling with a constant velocity along the east, there is no change in velocity and therefore no acceleration.

What is the acceleration of a car that maintains a constant velocity of 100km per h for 10 seconds?

Acceleration is the time rate of change of velocity. If velocity is constant, then acceleration is zero. Note: "100 km per h for 10 seconds" is a constant speed, but not necessarily a constant velocity, since we're told nothing about the direction. If the car moves in a perfectly straight line during those 10 seconds, then its velocity is constant. If it makes a curve, then its velocity is not constant even though its speed is, and there is acceleration.

If a car goes in 6.8 seconds how do you figure out the acceleration?

To calculate acceleration, you need to know the initial velocity of the car and its final velocity after 6.8 seconds. The acceleration can be found using the formula: acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time.

An object with constant velocity has positive acceleration?

Answer This occurs when an object istraveling in one direction but has an acceleration in the opposite direction, which means it is decreasing in speed. For a given period of time, the speed has decreased. Acceleration is the change of velocity per second. T1 = 5 seconds V1 = 100mph T2 = 10 seconds V2= 50 mph Acceleration = (V2 - V1 ) / (T2 - T1) = (50-100)/(10-5) = -10 ft/sec/sec Positive(+) acceleration means an object will be going faster over an interval of time.

What is the acceleration from 0 to 2s?

The acceleration from 0 to 2s is the rate of change of velocity over that time interval. It can be calculated by dividing the change in velocity by the time taken. Mathematically, a = (v_final - v_initial) / t.

How do you calculate acceleration between 6 and 9 seconds?

To calculate acceleration between 6 and 9 seconds, you need to find the change in velocity during that time interval and then divide it by the time taken. The formula for acceleration is acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time. Plug in the velocities at 6 seconds and 9 seconds into the formula to get the acceleration.

When acceleration occurs?

Acceleration occurs when velocity changes over time. The formula for it is as follows: a = (Vf - Vi) / t a: acceleration (meters/seconds2) Vf: Final velocity (meters/seconds) Vi: Initial Velocity (meters/seconds) t: Time (seconds)

Can bodies with different velocities have same acceleration?

Yes, velocity is acceleration x time. If acceleration is the same, velocity can be different as it changes with time. For example a car accelerating with constant acceleration will have a different velocity after 5 seconds than it will have at 2 seconds.

How the terms speed velocity and acceleration are related to each other?

Speed is a measure of how fast an object is moving, velocity includes both speed and direction, while acceleration is the rate at which an object's velocity is changing. In simple terms, velocity determines how fast an object is moving in a specific direction, while acceleration measures how quickly the velocity is changing.

What is5 th grade formula fir acceleration?

The rate of change of velocity in a particular direction per unit second is acceleration. Let us assume a body is moving at a speed v' in particular direction, say north, and in t seconds, its velocity increases/decreases to v". So the acceleration is, a=(v"~v')/t

What is the velocity of this object after 30 seconds with an acceleration of 7.8 meters per second squared?

IF it started out from rest, then V = a t = (7.8 x 30) = 234 meters per secondin the direction of the acceleration, at the end of 30 seconds.

What is the acceleration of a car that moves at a steady velocity of 100 kilometers per hour for 100 seconds?

If the car doesn't change direction during that 100 seconds, then it's zero. If the car's direction changes, then the acceleration isn't zero, but the question doesn't give any information from which to evaluate it.