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Car 1: 30 MPH
Car 2: 40 MPH

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Q: A car travels 120 miles a second car traveling 10 mph faster than the first car makes the same trip in 1 hour less time find the speed of each car?
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Two cyclists start biking from a trail's start 3 hours apart The second cyclist travels at 10 miles per hour and starts 3 hours after the first cyclist who is traveling at 6 miles per hour How much?

Two cyclists start biking from a trail's start 3 hours apart. The second cyclist travels at 10 miles per hour and starts 3 hours after the first cyclist who is traveling at 6 miles per hour. How much time will pass before the second cyclist catches up with the first from the time the second cyclist started biking? A. 2 hoursB. 4 ½ hoursC. 5 ¾ hoursD. 6 hoursE. 7 ½ hours AnswerThe distance the 1st cyclist travels is 6(3+t) miles, andthe distance the 2nd cyclist travles is 10t miles...where t=the number of hours since cyclist #2 starts.Now solve: 6(3+t)=10t ==> 18+6t=10t ==> 18=4t ==> t=4.5 hrs==> 4.5 hours = 4 hrs 30 minutes

The body travels 2mts in first 2 seconds and 2.2mts in next four seconds what will be the velocity at the seventh second?

heres the average 2.2 seconds

Two airplanes depart from an airport traveling in opposite directions the second airplane is 200 miles per hour faster than the first after2 hours they are1100 miles apart find the speed of the airps?

They separate at the rate of (1100/2) = 550 miles per hour.x + (x+200) = 5502x + 200 = 5502x = 350x = 175Their speeds are 175 mph and 375 mph.

Two boats leave the port at the same time the first boat travels due east at 14mph and the second boat travels at 28mph inthe direction of N30degrees Ehow far apart will the boats be in 12 hr?

After 12 hours, the first boat is at a distance 14*12 = 168 miles east of the port. The second boat is at a distance 28*12*cos(30) = 291.0 miles north and 28*12*sin(30) = 168.0 miles east of the port. Since their Eastward displacement is the same, the distance between the two is the Northwards displacement of the second boat = 291.0 miles.

What is 1 7583837563728283727847372784829390493848728378183783748375564752748829?

Two numbers: the first of them is 1 and the second is not!Two numbers: the first of them is 1 and the second is not!Two numbers: the first of them is 1 and the second is not!Two numbers: the first of them is 1 and the second is not!

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Which travel faster light or sounds?

Light travels considerably faster.Sound travels at about 343 meters per second. Light travels at 299,792,458 meters per second.Light in vacuum travels about 876 thousand timesas fast as sound in air.If you meant to ask if light or sound travels faster then this is the answer:Light travels faster, with a speed of 300,000,000 m/s (which is equal to 300,000 km/s, or 186,282 miles per second). Sound, on the other hand, travels at a speed of 340 m/s (which is equal to 1126 ft/s).

Explain why thunder is heard after the lightning is seen?

Thunder is sound- it travels at the speed of sound- about 1100 feet per second. Lightning is light- it travels at the speed of light- about 186,000 miles a second. The light is faster, gets there first.

If a cannon fires at a great distance from you why do you see the flash before you hear the sound.?

you see the flash of light first because light travels faster that sound. light travels at 299,792,458 meters per second whaile sound only travels at 340.29 meters per second.

What if an object is traveling faster than another?

Object will get there first.

Which of these two is faster is it lightning or thunder?

Lightning is faster than thunder. Lightning travels at the speed of light, which is approximately 299,792 kilometers per second, while thunder travels at the speed of sound, approximately 343 meters per second.

If a cannon fires at a great distance from you why do you see the flash before you hear the sound?

Light travels much faster than sound. When a cannon fires, the light travels to your eyes almost instantly, allowing you to see the flash before the sound waves reach your ears. This creates a delay between what you see and what you hear.

Why do you see fireworks before hearing them?

We see the firework works first because the because burning emits light . It is a fact that it travels faster than sound . So the sound energy produced during the burning of fire work reaches us late . So we hear the sound after vizualizing it.

Why you see a distant event before you hear it?

Light travels much faster than sound - about a million times faster. When an event happens at a distance, light reaches your eyes almost instantly, allowing you to see it first. Sound, on the other hand, travels much slower, taking some time to reach your ears, which is why you hear the event after seeing it.

Light or warmth travels first?

Light travels faster than warmth. Light travels at a speed of approximately 299,792 kilometers per second in a vacuum, whereas warmth (or heat) is the transfer of energy from a warmer object to a cooler one, which occurs at a slower pace through conduction, convection, or radiation.

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The reason you hear sound before the picture is that your speakers will work immediate as your screen needs a second or two to start up.

Why do you see the lightning first if you are far away?

Because light travels much faster than sound.

Which move is faster sound or light?

According to Wikipedia:In air, light travels at approximately 300,000 kilometres per second or 186,000 miles per second.In dry air at 20 °C (68 °F), the speed of sound is 343 meters per second (1,125 ft/s). This equates to 1,236 kilometers per hour (768 mph), or about one kilometer in three seconds and about one mile in five seconds. At different temperatures and humidities, sound travels at different rates.